Show Your Integrity Tiger Stripes at Integrity Summit 14
Date Coming Soon!
About Integrity Summit
What & Who
Integrity Summit founded in 2011 is America's #1 and most recognized Integrity Empowerment event
Amazing real-life stories from well-known leaders, expert panels Q & A, hands-on audience integrity workshops, integrity awards and live musical entertainment
Integrity Summit shows and proves that integrity is the key to greatness in careers, business, organizations, leadership, life and fulfillment
Gourmet breakfast included
In its 13th year, Integrity Summit is inspiring, experiential, entertaining and transformative
It has become a badge of honor and a spring-board for bigger successes– for those who engage
Become an Integrity Tiger– walk the talk of integrity even when others do not
2024 will mark the 13th Annual Integrity Summit
The next event is: Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at Chateau Luxe in Phoenix, AZ

VIP Expert Panels
Integrity Summit 's Instant Integrity Answers Executive Q and A Panel
A panel of 2-3 Leading integrity-driven executives deliver Instant Integrity Answers to audience workplace integrity questions. The Executive Panel is selected and facilitated by Sponsor and/or Integrity Summit, with each panelist offering a 1-minute guide point on integrity and then the panel takes and answers audience questions about workplace integrity issues. (15 minutes)
Facilitated by Sponsor Representative or Integrity Summit
Mini Workshops
Integrity Summit's What's the Integrity Choice? 15-Minute Problem-Solving Workshop
A real and urgent workplace integrity issue is given to the entire Integrity Summit audience with each table teaming up to answer the question, What's the Integrity Choice?
A table member presents their answer and the underlying rationale to the Integrity Summit audience. After all tables present, the audience votes on the best choices. (15 minutes)
Facilitated by Sponsor Representative or Integrity Summit
Integrity Inspiring Live Musical Performances
Integrity Summit's Live Inspire Integrity Musical Performances
Integrity Summit harnesses the power of hit music and songs with Live Inspire Integrity Musical Performances to enrich the audience experience. Live performances include the National Anthem sung A capella and live singing of four well-known songs that resonate with integrity thoughts and feelings. (3 performances, 6 minutes total).
Musical Talent Provided by Integrity Summit

Attorneys and CPAs Earn Three Hours CLE
Sponsorships and Tables

Top Leaders Endorsed Integrity Summit
Integrity Summit is a life and career transforming experience delivered throughout a fast-paced morning. Iconic leaders tell inspiring real-life integrity stories, audience members engage in problem-solving workshops, expert panels answer audience integrity questions, and the coveted Colangelo Integrity Tiger Awards are received by those who walk the talk of integrity in their workplace, personal life, and community.

Larry Fitzgerald
NFL Great and Community Champion

Ray Schey
Market President and Publisher, Phoenix Business Journal
Lisa Daniels
Managing Partner KPMG

Latasha Causey
Track President Phoenix Raceway
Jerry Colangelo Integrity Tiger Awardees
Integrity Summit's Jerry Colangelo Integrity Tiger Awards + Winners Integrity Message
Integrity Summit culminates with an uplifting time of recognition and honor for finalists and winners of the annual Jerry Colangelo Integrity Tiger Awards + Winners Panel. Integrity Tigers walk the talk of Integrity even when others do not!
The awards are to pay tribute to Integrity Tigers and motivate others to aspire to be an Integrity Tiger Award winner. Finalists are recognized and Winners honored for their integrity in Philanthropy, Sports, Business, Government, Non-Profit, Community Uplift and Education. Winners each offer a poignant, personal Integrity message to the audience. (20 Minutes)
For more information on how to nominate an individual for the Jerry Colangelo Award, please contact us.
Facilitated by Sponsor Representative or Integrity Summit
2024 Awardees
Winner Integrity Tiger -
Ann Meyers Drysdale
Vice President, Phoenix Suns and Mercury

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Eddie Johnson
Broadcast Team, Phoenix Suns
2023 Awardees

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Christine Gannon
Founder, Brightworks Consulting
Winner Integrity Tiger -
Ray Schey
Market President and Publisher, Phoenix Business Journal

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Jeff Rutkowski
Plant Director, PepsiCo
2022 Awardees

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Tom Eisiminger, Jr.
CEO Regenesis Biomedical, President Veterans Medical, Leadership Council

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Brian Mueller
President Grand Canyon University, CEO Grand Canyon Education

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Al McCoy
Voice of the Suns, American broadcaster and announcer

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Community Enrichment
Steve Seleznow
President and CEO Arizona, Community Foundation
2021 Awardees

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Christine Jones
Founder, Arizona Research Project

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Dr. Marjorie Bessel
VP, CMO Community Delivery, Banner Health

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Community Enrichment
David Adame
President and CEO, Chicanos Por La Causa

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Community Enrichment
Shannon Clancy
CEO, St. Vincent de Paul

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Community Enrichment
Steve Zabilski
President and CEO, Piper Charitable Trust

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Steve Jones
Sr. Director Logistics, PepsiCo

Winner Integrity Tiger -
Mike Nealy
CEO, USA Pickleball
Get Your Ticket Now
Join us for Integrity Summit, you don't want to miss this!
Integrity Tiger Cares
Our Integrity Tiger Cares program has raised $140,000 for charities so far!
Donated 20,000 Pepsi and Gatorade Beverages to St. Vincent De Paul

Integrity Workshops
Walk the talk of integrity at your workplace. Join our working breakfast or lunch workshop, participate in integrity engagement, and hear powerful messages from integrity leaders.
Integrity Summit In The News
How Workplace Integrity Institute and Our Integrity Tigers are Positively Impacting People And Organizations Everywhere

At 82-years young, Jerry Colangelo still going strong with Basketball HOF Golf Classic, Integrity Summit

Jerry Colangelo on Show Up Arizona with Billy Harfosh

I’m listening to Great Companies! Great Leaders! and thought you might like it! Listen here:

Integrity Summit urges Arizona businesses to adopt honest practices

Former Suns team owner Jerry Colangelo being honored for '50 years of golden achievements'

Jerry Colangelo, Harvey Mackay, Avnet, KPMG, FBI, Present at Integrity Summit 2012

Jerry Colangelo: Taking integrity from the Olympic basketball courts to the boardroom

MACKAY: The importance of integrity
Arizona business leaders promote leading with integrity

Integrity – A Key That Opens All Doors

MACKAY: “The Importance of Integrity | Couer d’Alene Press

Jerry Colangelo Speaking at Thunderbird School of Global Management on Integrity and Hiring People with Integrity

“Jerry Colangelo Spotlighted in ASU event Jan. 29, ‘Leading with Integrity’ | ASU News”
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Workplace Integrity MISSING in Action News
Check Out The Latest Integrity Issues Happening Around The World And Why We Must Do Something About Them...

“Hialeah man arrested, accused of stealing $53K in lottery ticket books from his job” - NBC Miami
“Chesterfield police officer loses job after caught stealing gas” - Fox 59

“Las Vegas casino employee accused of stealing $776K from resort property” - 8News Now
“Tech Executive Admits Participating in $150 Million Fraud on Qualcomm” - United States Attorney’s Office
“Miami Medical Clinic Owner and Pharmacist Convicted for Clinical Trial Fraud Scheme” - Office of Public Affairs